Carlos Albornoz is a 2nd-grade Dual Language teacher. He has been a member of the Heritage team for 8 years. Mr. Albornoz’s dedication is evident because his car is one of the last to leave almost daily. The love he has for his students stays with them because you can often catch his former students walking slowly past his room, hoping he’ll look up to see them eagerly waving and smiling at him. Not only is he an important role model to his own students, but also to all the students on campus, because he is one of only a few male role models our students have. Thank you Mr. Albornoz for your dedication to our students.
Miranda Cupp is a sweet, hard-working 5th-grade student. She has a positive attitude and gets along with her classmates. Miranda has embraced and met the challenge of the Accelerated Reading program by achieving 150% of her one-month reading goal and the month isn’t o