Alejandra Ramirez is the MECC Instructional Coach. Not only has she hit the ground running, but she worked all summer not only on the Curriculum Writing Team but also with Admin before she was even on contract! She selflessly helps all members of our staff and is always willing to share her expertise. She encourages and motivates all who encounter her and makes a point to consider everyone’s input. Ms. Ramirez is committed to the success of each and every little cardinal. She even brought her child to be one of the newest Menchaca cardinals! We are so happy to have bilingual and bicultural studies advocate making a difference for our campus. We were great, but she’s made us greater!
Ryan is an amazing student and future leader here at Menchaca! Ryan comes to school with a positive attitude, ambition to do his very best, and a big heart to spread kindness to everyone he meets. He consistently demonstrates daily what it means to be a Cardinal. Ryan has had perfect attendance since school began, he completes all his classwork daily or even ahead of schedule, and he is one of our top readers! Way to go Ryan!!!