December 19, 2018
Dear Southside ISD Community Member,
As the superintendent of Southside ISD, I want to thank all the community members who have recently been speaking out against the proposed Management & Training Corporation (MTC) Correctional Residential Facility proposed at 1350 S. Loop 1604 West. I am not in support of the proposed location or any location in our Southside community. I have expressed my concerns over safety and many other reasons that will have an adverse impact because of the proposed location.
I understand and respect the desire to offer second chances and provide future opportunities for the individuals at MTC. The Bexar County area provides numerous options from which MTC can choose. Commissioner Chico Rodriguez has proposed another venue and I support his recommendation.
As a champion of your children and an advocate of our community, I urge you to join me in contacting your elected officials, MTC and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Executive Director Bryan Collier to express your concerns. I am requesting MTC to select another site for numerous reasons, but the primary reason is for our children and families’ safety. Southside and Southside ISD is building a positive image for growth and economic development. I do not want MTC to negatively impact our positive momentum.
Let us all Unite and continue the great work we are experiencing today. Southside is the place to be.
Mark E. Eads