Watch KENS 5 report: SISD’s CTE Get’s $24k Project Lead The Way grant for Engineering!


SISD’s CTE Get’s $24k Project Lead The Way grant for Engineering!


The Project Lead The Way Toyota Grant is in the amount of $24,000. The grant funds will be spent on lab equipment which is vital to execution of lessons, strong STEM curriculum which will be both rigorous and engaging, and training and professional development for our Engineering and Robotics staff.


CTE Coordinator Lynn Hernandez applied for the grant and says “I am SUPER excited  about being awarded this grant because it is exactly what we need to help our district begin moving toward STEM education. Offering quality STEM education will allow us to teach the courses that will not only make our students more able to compete with their peers in other school districts and across the country, but will help our students be better prepared for employment in lucrative STEM fields.”


Hernandez says increasing students’ exposure to STEM education and  project based learning (through Engineering, in this case), increases their ability to problem solve and makes them critical thinkers, which is essential in making them college and career ready.
