On March 30, 2017, four of Southside High School’s Aircraft Technology students( Simon Ramirez, Seth Flores, Marcos Paxtian, and Ariana Castillo) and their teacher, Mr. Chavez, were sponsored by the Dee Howard Foundation to attend the San Antonio Aviation and Aerospace Hall of Fame Awards Dinner. The students were able to to listen to quest speakers such as Mayor Ivory Taylor, Honorable Phillip Hardberger, and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson as they enjoyed their catered dinner . Throughout these speakers the students learned more about San Antonio’s rich aviation history and how many of the pioneers in this field, changed aviation for the world. They also were able to see and touch many different aircraft that were beautifully displayed at the dinner, such as a C-5 military transport aircraft, Howard 500, B-25H Mitchell, and a Stearman Biplane and many more. They all really enjoyed the experience and opportunity.