
Ascender Parent Portal

The Ascender Parent Portal gives you access to all of your children’s school data, which includes assignments, grades, attendance, alerts (received through text or email) as well as information on any disciplinary actions and immunization records.

Go to Parent Portal

Who Needs An ASCENDER Parent Portal Account?

If you are a…

  • New user(parent) and do not have a parent portal account, you must create your account.
  • Returning parent and do not have a parent portal account, you must create your account.

How do I create a Parent Portal account?

1. Go to
2. In the red banner, click on Ascender Parent Portal
3. Click on the “Create Account” tab
4. Choose a username and password. Enter an email address (use the email of the primary guardian on file).
Mobile number is optional. Click “Next”.
5. Choose one of the 4 security questions and type in your answer. Click “Next”.
6. Click “Finish”. A pop-up will say that you need to verify your email address.
7. Go to your email inbox and open the email from Parent Portal. Click the link that says “Validate email.”
8. Click the “Return to Login” button and log in to your Parent Portal account.
9. Click the orange “Link an Enrolled Student” button.
10. Enter your student’s Portal Id and birthdate (contact your child’s campus if you need the portal id).

How do I link my student to my Parent Portal account?

    • A pop-up window opens allowing parents to add a student to the account. In the ParentPortal ID, the field types the ParentPortal ID provided by the student’s campus.
    • If you do not have this ID, you must contact the campus to get the ParentPortal ID. You cannot add a student without entering a valid ParentPortal ID.
          • The ID is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as it appears (example: qbQgk3qAs3z)
    • In the Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) field type the student’s complete birth date.
    • Click Add.
    • If your student was successfully added to your account, the student’s name will appear on the page.