STEM Bus Rolls on Over to Southside High School

STEM Bus 2024-min
The STEM Bus is brought to us via Learning Undefeated on behalf of the TEA. This program is funded in partnership with the DoD’s DSEC program and the MXLab (STEM Bus) which aims to introduce high school students to DoD STEM careers through hands-on laboratory experiences and introduce them to key figures in STEM fields. The STEM program has a relationship with Learning Undefeated and the bus had been at Heritage and Freedom previously. This program is also national coming in straight from Maryland.
“The MXLab offered our students the opportunity to be in a real lab setting that mirrors many BioTech Labs in the workforce and gave them a tangible experience of what it is like outside a school setting,” said STEM Teacher at Southside High School.  “We have had multiple students interested in the Summer program and have started asking more questions about the BioTech field!” The MXLab is a custom-designed trailer that is used to expand new technology and laboratory science experiences and pique students’ interests in STEM learning and careers. Inside the MXLab, Learning Undefeated’s educators offer a fun and engaging experience that builds critical thinking skills through robust, standards-aligned curricula relevant to the classroom.
“Southside is developing future STEAM leaders and the STEM bus is a way to ensure that our students (and teachers) get this opportunity,” said Dr. Ebong, STEAM Director at SISD. “It brings a level of STEM equity that benefits our district.”
