Maria Frausto brought her three-year old son, Dario, to a session on financial literacy. Not a typical event for toddlers, however, this night was different. The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities came to Southside ISD to take the fear out of discussing money with children. “This event is designed so parents can begin to talk about money with their children so little ones can learn at a young age how to ask questions and talk about money,” said Melissa Flowers HACU assistant director for PreK-12 initiatives. Mrs. Frausto arrived at the event early because she knows the importance of preparing her son for college. “It’s important that we consider their future and encourage him to do well and succeed in life and not struggle like we did,” she said. Parents who attended also received $50 in H-E-B gift cards. The event was underwritten by a grant from USAA.