Back to School FAQs

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SISD Back to School FAQS 
1. Will all students be required to wear uniforms again this year?
Yes, the standardized dress code will continue this year. Students must wear a red, black, or white shirt. 
2. Will the school be providing free or discounted shirts for the students this year?
The district will not provide shirts.
3. Where do we get shirts or uniforms for the students this year?

Shirts are ordered online through the Print Service website. Once ordered, you will be contacted and get a date to pick them up.

4.  Is this in the student handbook that students have to wear uniforms this year?
Yes, standardized dress is in the student handbook.  Page. 40 
5.  Do students have to have clear or mesh backpacks this year?
Yes, clear or mesh backpacks are required. 
6. When is Meet the Teacher?

Meet the Teacher dates for all elementary, middle school and Southside High School.

Meet the Teacher dates for Menchaca Early Childhood Center only.
