More than 900 people took part in this year’s community event. The Summer Movie Nights events are organized thanks to a partnership with the school district, the SISD Education Foundation, partners like HEB, Scholastic Books, CityBase Cinema, SAVE Clinic, and several volunteers from campuses, departments, and the community. The event allows community partners like CPS Energy and the Girl Scouts to participate. The SHS Band Boosters sell concessions along with the Southside Junior Cardinals.
Attendees get to see a free movie on the big screen at the SHS Stadium. They also receive free popcorn, hotdogs, and books to read during the summer break. Director of Communications Sylvia Rincon is always excited about this event, “This is the eighth year of doing movie nights and it never gets old because you know when the people arrive, they are excited to have a relaxing free night of entertainment and family fun. Seeing the smiles on people’s faces and giving them a chance to do something affordable and fun is a gift in these economic times. People also get a chance to enjoy fellowship and bring their own snacks. It’s just a fun time. The fact that we can tie in books and reading is even more special and ties everything back to the SISD student outcome goals, which I personally get a little geeked out about.”
This event brings so many people together. Superintendent Rolando Ramirez was able to spend some time bagging popcorn with trustees Mary Unger-Robles and Mary Silva. Volunteers from several campuses helped the Communications Team, Monica Saenz, and Carlos Peralta, who were both instrumental in making sure everything ran smoothly. A special thanks to the SISD Police Department for helping with security and the metal detectors. Child Nutrition made hot dogs and always do a superior job. Thanks to the Maintenance and Facilities crews for the use of the stadium and the lights, and finally but not least, extra special kudos to custodians Beatrice Olivarez Ramos and Amalia Gonzalez, who helped clean. Thank you all for everything.