CENERGISTIC ® is currently accepting applications for FULL TIME ENERGY SPECIALIST
Interested individuals should apply to: www.cenergistic.com/careers
Will you take a few minutes to consider an opportunity that could help sustain the financial resources of Southside Independent School District while preserving the environment?
Energy is the second highest operating expense, only after personnel in K-12 schools. Utility costs continue to rise while federal and state funding diminishes, making energy management more critical than ever. We have partnered with Cenergistic to iplement a sustainability solution which utilizes software tools and onsite building audits to eliminate energy waste and reduce our utility spend so that we can invest in those we serve.
Cenergistic is searching for the best individual possible to lead a comprehensivesustainability initiative. The ideal candidate is an excellent communicator and passionate about creating a safer, greener environment.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a difference for ppleton Area School District and its community through energy conservation and sustainability, please apply directly to Cenergistic at: http://www.cenergistic.com/careers
For additional information about the role, please view our short video:
Please note: The Energy Specialists will be hired, trained and employed by Cenergistic.