[soliloquy id=”1651″]Pearce Primary became the first campus to get a makeover involving dozens of parents, teachers, and district administrators on Saturday, October 10, 2015.
About 70 people showed up to participate in the project. Parents brought their children so they could learn the value of volunteerism, citizen-ship, and helping the environment. Parents, children, teachers and administrators painted while others planted flowers or sanded steel railings, whose last coat of paint appears to have been when they were manufactured.
“It’s a good idea,” said parent Rosie Ortiz about the beautification initiative. “It teaches students to care for what they have. Kids feel better when they’re in an environment that’s painted and clean,” Ortiz added. She’s the mother of twin fourth grade girls at Pearce Primary.
Project participation was not limited to Pearce Primary families. Students from Gallardo Elementary, Matthey Middle School, and from Somerset also stepped in to assist. Ortiz smiled as she looked at the transformation taking place