Marathon Kids is a running club open to students, and is sponsored by Nike.
This is the first year that Freedom Elementary is participating. Interested students were given permission forms and those who decided to participate paid a $20 entry fee.
Coach Maria Mendez is the campus facilitator for this club. She gave us some information about the students and about the requirements that the students must fulfill. “I have 5 girls, and 8 boys participating. We began on Sept. 15, and will continue through May 18, 2017. We run every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, for 20 minutes, which is equivalent to 1 mile. Students also run on their own and keep track of their miles on their mileage log. Between the dates above, these students will run 4 Marathons, or the equivalent of 104.8 miles! I also run/walk with them. They receive an incentive for every Marathon they complete. I am very proud of our 13 students, and wish them well in the future, as RUNNERS!”