These updates are to inform SISD employees during the COVID 19 Public Health Pandemic. SISD will aim to give all employees the latest information as it becomes available.
While schools are closed All Southside ISD Employees will continue to get paid.

The City of San Antonio Issued an order to

"Stay at home and Work Safe."

Click here for more from Mayor Ron Nirenberg

Southside ISD will be adding restrictions that comply with the efforts the city and the county are issuing. We are also monitoring statewide restrictions to keep everyone safe during the COVID 19 pandemic. "Essential personnel" will be contacted directly if needed to come in and work. All other SISD employees are being asked to stay at home. Please stay in touch with your direct supervisor at this time. #alonetogether #southsidestrong
Twitter child nutrition

As of today, March 27, 2020, here are the latest updates:

  • Academics & Technology: School is Back in Session - *Online and at home Only*
    • The SISD Technology Department is working to outfit 900 new Chromebooks for distribution next week.
    • The communication department sent out link via text to parents in need to request Chromebooks. The distribution will start Monday, March 30th
    • Online learning and In-Person Instructional Packets for Pickup started Tuesday, March 24th. Click here for more details.
    • Students are being contacted by Teachers directly to help gear them up for distance learning.
    • Spirit Week @Home starts next week. Check out @southsideisd on Facebook for all the details. #BeaksUpKeepSoaring #southsidestrong #SISDatHomeTogether
  • Board of Managers meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 30th at 6pm.
      • The meeting was also streamed live for the first time. To watch future meetings go to http://southsideisd.org/golive.
      • A loan finalist in the Superintendent Search is expected to be announced Monday. A board report will be emailed soon to all employees.
  • Child Nutrition and Transportation - Heroes at Work!
    • There is a new website. check it out southsideisd.org.
    • Texas Education Agency waived STARR Test.
    • Reports cards will also be coming out as scheduled.
  • Schools are still closed through April 24, 2020.
  • The SISD Police Department is staffed and helping out all over the district daily.
  • The business office is operating with strict social distancing rules. Please contact Sharon Cardenas with any questions as she is still assisting the department and CFO from home.
  • Child Nutrition works continue to step up to help with meal distribution Monday - Friday. Meals are prepared daily and handed out at noon.
  • Cancelations:
    • 2020 SHS Prom has been canceled. Students are being contacted directly to receive refunds.
    • The March 24th Bond Community meeting WAS canceled.
    • ALL UIL events have been Canceled or Postponed. Click here for a list of Cancelations.
    • All Atheltic and Extracurricular Practices at SISD have been canceled.
    • All student trips have been canceled.
    • Casino Night has been postponed for the Fall.
NEW Human Resources:
  • During this time of school closures, the Human Resources office will assist employees on Mondays and/or Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for essential and time-sensitive matters. (examples include: Verification of Employment {VOE}; Name Changes; Loan Forgiveness; Federal Assistance; Benefits; Leave and Certification, etc) by appointment only.
  • To make an appointment, please email: fuery@southsideisd.org
  • Southside ISD is actively seeking applicants for the positions that are posted. You may visit the job postings by clicking here.
  • Reminder: Employees may access their personnel file if needed via TalentEd Records.
  • This information is also on our website.
  • If you have questions about initiating a self-quarantine, or who should self-quarantine please contact HR.
  • If you have pending questions about your status, leave or other HR matters please contact the HR team directly.
Thank you,
Southside ISD

2020 Census is coming

Do you want better roads, plan bus routes and draw school district boundaries? You'll have the chance by participating in the 2020 Census. As mandated by the U.S. Constitution, America gets just once chance each decade to count its population. The Census Bureau counts every residents in the United States. These numbers are used to draw school and voting districts. …
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