Southside ISD Goals for Services for Gifted/Talented Students
Provide enriching services that stimulates the talents of gifted students.
Guide students to develop a healthy self-concept and to acquire complex skills for collaborative conflict resolution and teamwork.
Implement the principles of divergent thinking and foster higher order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Promote creative problem solving for real world issues.
Arrange experiences which promote the ongoing development of task commitment.
Encourage an attitude of responsibility and service to others.
Promote a global perspective and a respect for cultural differences and similarities.
Provide an atmosphere in which students can interact with their intellectual peers and with outstanding adults.
Assist students in making career choices which help them in becoming productive, well rounded citizens.
Think not only of what is, but also of what might be.
Texas State Goals for Services for Gifted/Talented Students
Students who participate in services designed for gifted/talented students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidence by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted/talented students will have produced products and performances of professional quality as part of their program services.
At Southside ISD, early childhood students are not tested for Gifted and Talented until the spring semester of their Kindergarten year. Pre-Kindergarten students are unable to be tested and there are no exceptions. Nominations will begin in November of the fall of a student’s kindergarten year. A nomination form can be picked up from the front office OR it is attached below for your convenience in downloading and printing. You can also notify your child’s teacher if you would like one sent home.
Our campus GT Coordinator and curricular acceleration is provided by our Instructional Coach.