What is it? Workers’ Compensation is a state-regulated insurance program that pays reasonable and necessary medical costs if you have a compensable on-the-job injury. Under workers’ compensation law, an injury or illness is covered, without regard to fault, if it was sustained in the course and scope of employment while furthering or carrying on the employer’s business.
When am I required to report an injury? All injuries, whether or not you intend to seek medical attention, should be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor right away and an injury packet must be completed as soon as possible. If in doubt, fill it out! The campus/department admin or secretary must then submit the injury report to the Benefits Coordinator. If the employee intends to seek treatment, the Benefits Coordinator must be made aware immediately in order to authorize the treatment prior to the employee receiving treatment.
Edwards Claims Administration is the third-party administrator that handles injury claims for Southside ISD. Edwards Claims does not have a network of doctors. Therefore you may go to any medical provider of your choice that accepts workers compensation insurance.
What do I do if I get injured at work?
When you get hurt at work, it is important to provide timely notice (within 24 hours) to your supervisor. This will ensure that your injury is addressed as soon as possible, and offer you the best possible health outcome.
All work related injuries should be reported to your supervisor immediately, whether or not you intend to seek medical attention. If the injury occurs after hours where a supervisor is not available, you should report the incident on the morning of the following work day.
Not sure if you should report an incident that happened to you at work? If in doubt, fill it out!!!
Employee: When completing the workers comp packet, please be thorough and precise. All details, such as location/address where the injury occurred and the time of the injury, are needed.
Admin/Principal/Secretary: Please email the completed workers comp packet to christina.lopez@southsideisd.org or fax it to 978-244-4269.
If further guidance is needed, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Benefits Coordinator at 210-882-1600 ext. 5100.