Southside ISD is dedicated to being a place of mutual respect. It is an expectation that all members of the Southside Cardinal community – be they Students, Faculty/Staff, Administrators or Families – will follow the Southside ISD Code, and treat everyone as they would wish to be treated themselves. It is expected that everyone in Southside ISD district will conduct themselves in such a fashion that everyone will feel safe and free from harassment, both physical and emotional.
Southside ISD has implemented the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program in our district. The main focus of PBIS is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors in Southside ISD. While many members of our school community have assumptions of what is expected behavior, we cannot assume that everyone’s beliefs are similar. Through PBIS, we will work to create and maintain a productive, safe environment in which ALL school community members have clear expectations and understandings of their roles in the educational process.
Each school in the district will establish a school-wide recognition and acknowledgement system that will benefit all students that follow the district-wide expectations. PBIS focuses on positive behavior. Students are taught and acknowledged for following the expectations in all areas of the district. Students must be safe, act responsibly, and show respect in and out of the classroom.
Southside ISD’s Behavioral Plan will apply to students:
While on district grounds
While going to and from school on the bus
During or while going to or from any school-sponsored activities
During any other event related to school activities or attendance
Respect and courtesy for persons and property are expected at all time. Where a specific penalty for violating a rule is not listed, the consequences assigned will be in proportion to the severity of the infraction.