Matthey Middle School Band Earns Sweepstakes at UIL Competition

Honors Band

Congratulations to the students of the Matthey Middle School Band! On March 7, 2024 the Matthey Honors and Symphonic Bands attended the UIL Concert and Sight Reading Evaluation. This two-part contest consists of a concert (prepared in advance) and a sight reading performance in which the students are given just 7 minutes to study and prepare the music. A separate rating is given for each event by two panels of six judges with a First Division being the highest rating possible. Both the Honors and the Symphonic Bands earned a First Division Rating for each event resulting in a Sweepstakes award.

This is the first time the Symphonic Band has attended this event since 2019 and the first time in the history of Matthey MS that they have earned a Sweepstakes rating!

For the Matthey MS Honors Band, this is the 6th year in a row that they have earned a Sweepstakes rating following a long tradition of First Division ratings. We are extremely proud of our Matthey Band students for all of their hard work and look forward to their future endeavors.
