
Special Edition - March 3, 2020

Support Boys Varsity Basketball Tonight!!

For the first time in Southside High School history, the Cardinal Boys Varsity Basketball team is advancing to the Regional Quarter-finals! This is huge! The Cardinals defeated Austin Reagan 75-50. The Cardinals need your support Tuesday, March 3, at 7pm. Southside faces Northside’s Harlan High at the Dub Farris Sports Complex at 8400 N. Loop 1604 West. Congratulations Cardinals. We …

Primary Election Voting Underway

I voted photo
​PRIMARY ELECTION​: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - 3 de Marzo de 2020
Go to Bexar County Elections for ballots. You can Vote anywhere in Bexar County. The SISD Board Room is a voting site!!! Polls are open until 7 pm!

This Thursday!!! Heritage Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary

Heritage Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary
Heritage Elementary will be celebrating its 20 year anniversary on March 5th from 5 pm to 7 pm. The entire community is welcome to join in the fun. Visit with alumni, current students and staff. Some teachers and alumni from 1999 will present. Food booths, art displays and student performances will begin at 5pm. T-shirts are available for anyone wanting …

Wellness Extravaganza Sat. March 21 at 9AM for all families

The annual Southside ISD Wellness Extravaganza will be held on Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the Southside High School Commons, 19190 U.S. Highway 281 South. Parents and community members will be treated to health checks and services that could help your family. This year's major sponsors include University Health System and services to help senior …

2020 PreK & Kinder Round Up

It's almost time for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration Round-Up of new students! We will be holding registration on Tuesday, March 3rd and Wednesday, March 4th, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and Thursday, March 6th from 3:00-6:00 p.m. at Menchaca Early Childhood Center in the Pre-K Office. Bring the following information to register your child: Immunization Record,Official Birth, Certificate Proof of Residence, (utility bill with …

2020 Innovation Grants! Awards Up to $5000!

Calling all Innovative Teachers! The 2020 Innovation Grant application is now online. You have until the end of business day April 17, 2020 to turn in your applications. Grants will be awarded in May 2020.
2020 Innovation Grants! Awards Up to $5000!
Great News Cardinals! If you are active Southside ISD staff and have not received a flu shot, University Health System still has flu shots. Make an appointment today.
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