Surprise Patrol Announces Innovation Grant Winners

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(San Antonio, TX) – Southside ISD Education Foundation surprised several grant winners all over the district.

Here are the 2024 winners.

Southside High School won three grants!

Grant #1—Solar Panels, submitted by Dr. Sam Ebong, Julian Monreal, Greg Mihleder, and Clifton Villegas, is for $2500!

Grant #2—Natural Bridge Cavern was submitted by Kelsey Harris, an earth and science teacher. She was awarded  $2000!

Grant #3  –  Plasma Cutter, submitted by welding teacher Issac Barrera for $2500!

Heritage Elementary and Pearce Elementary rounded the day with two more innovative grants.

The Heritage team won $2000 for “Lettuce Get Healthy,” a hydroponic vegetable growing project that will teach students about healthy eating. This grant was submitted by Principal Elise Puente, Carol Calderon, and Claudia Wright. This is Hertiage’s tenth grant in a row!

Pearce Elementary won $1500 for the Growing Sustainability grant submitted by Kristi Scott, Rita Rosales-Alvarez, and Ashley Rubio.

Please click the video for their reactions during the surprise!!


