Two Southside High School teams last weekend brought home District Championship trophies in the District UIL Competition held Saturday, March 25 at Medina Valley High School. The Social Studies Team and Current Events & Issues Teams will now advance to the Regional Championships next month. In the Social Studies competition, Alan Andrade won 1st Place and was the highest scorer. “All of our students did tremendously well. We are especially proud of the dedication and sheer tenacity our students showed while competing and preparing for the events,” said Southside High School social studies department chairman Mr. Gilbert Rodriguez.
Here is a listing of Saturday’s winners.
Social Studies- District Champion Team (Advancing to Region)
Alan Andrade- 1st place (highest scorer)
Micah Heneke
Jezreel Villalobos
Alexa Falcon
Tristian Johnston
Coached by Mx. Ashley Ramirez
Current Events & Issues – District Champion Team (Advancing to Region)
Alan Andrade
Tristian Johnston
Alexa Falcon
Lindsey Sanchez
Lisandra Simonson
Coached by Mx. Ashley Ramirez
Journalism- 2nd Place Team
Jeremy Vasquez- Copy Editing
Luis Martinez- Copy Editing
Nicholas Gonzalez-1st place Editorial Writing (Advancing to Region)
Andriana Perez- 1st place Feature Writing (Advancing to Region)
Anthony Joseph- Feature Writing and News Writing
Caleb Smith- 1st place Headline Writing (Advancing to Region)
Jeremy Obregon- Headline Writing & Ready Writing
Andriana Perez- 2nd place News Writing (Advancing to Region)
Alan Patino- Reading Writing (Advancing to Region)
Coached by Ms. Donna Martinez
Science- 2nd Place Team
Alan Patino- Chemistry Top Score (Advancing to Region)
Juan Palma
Jose Rodriguez
Jezreel Villalobos
Coached by Mr. Richard Casillas
Accounting- 3rd Place Team
Rudy Martinez
Lauren Palitza
Jeremy Obregon
Coached by Mr. Adan Garcia
Literary Criticism- 3rd Place Team
Juan Palma
Alexa Falcon
Jezreel Villalobos
Coached by Ms. Penny Blalack
Mathematics-3rd Place Team
Jesus Serano
Nicholas Gonzalez
Antony Joseph
Alan Patino
Coached by Mr. Roy Garza
Number Sense- 4th Place Team
Alan Patino
Jeremy Vasquez
Jose Rodriguez
Juan Palma
Luis Martinez
Coached by Mr. Joshua Dormier
Calculator Applications- 4th Place Team
Isabella Varra
Mariana Cabrera
Linda Figueria Castellanos
Aylin Escajeda Ayala
Coached by Ms. Norelisa Tovar
Spelling- 4th Place Team
Caleb Smith
Tonantzin Ruiz
Allen West
Lisandta Simonson
Coached by Mr. Adan Garcia
As of Saturday, Southside High School ranks 3rd in our district UIL Academic/One Act Play sweepstakes rankings. Southside High School speech teams compete Wednesday at Southwest High School. Teams advancing to the regional competition compete at UTSA on Saturday, April 22nd.