New Teachers to Southside ISD to be highest paid in San Antonio; All employees getting $3000 Pay Increase

Gallardo Teacher Jacquelyn Rosales.

New teachers coming into the Southside ISD for the 2022-2023 academic school year will be the highest paid in the region. Beginning teachers will have a base salary of $59,135. Plus, all professional employees are receiving a $3000 salary pay increase and all have the potential to earn an additional $3000 for meeting the District’s goal attainment plan. That means new teachers could earn more than $62,000 by the end of the school year. “I think teachers should be paid their weight in gold,” said Superintendent Rolando Ramirez. “Teachers have faced the pandemic and have met other challenges, and they do so without hesitation,” the Superintendent said. The school district is a good steward of the funds allotted and consequently is able to offer the salary increases said District Finance Director Christa Dillard. In addition to the $3000 salary pay increase, hourly staff could earn up to $2500 for meeting specific goals. “We know that our employees truly care for our students and for our community. They have their best interest in mind,” the Superintendent said. Recent academic projections also place Southside ISD as one of the region’s top-performing school districts.
