Cardinal Spotlight Week of January 3: Gallardo Elementary School


Debbie Rodriguez is our ARD Facilitator at Gallardo. She helps in every way possible and with a smile. She is our go-to for information about special education, she helps out with kids when they come to school and when they leave. She inspires us to be healthy and fit. Thank you for all you do Mrs. Rodriguez. You are truly amazing!

Adelina Kelly is a very special and talented young lady! She is a very hardworking student who is always eager to improve herself. She loves learning new things each day at school and especially has a passion for science. She has enjoyed being an active member of the Gallardo STEM club, in which she has completed many impressive projects. Adelina is also known for being an extremely talented singer, as she won 2nd place in the Gallardo talent show last year. On top of this, she is also always willing to help others who are in need! Way to go Adelina!
