Mrs. Arocha-Arriaga is our ECSE Multiage teacher at Menchaca ECC. She is always willing to share ideas and her classroom organization is superior. Her students are always engaged and their special needs are always met. Mrs. Arocha-Arriaga is new to Menchaca ECC and is already an invaluable member of our team. Her expertise is evident, her energy is contagious, her love for her students is evident, and her dedication is admirable. Thank you for being a shining example of Menchaca’s values and expectations for our students.
Liam has transitioned to in-person learning very well! He was a great leader virtually and continues to show that he can be a leader at school. Liam follows our rules and has set a great example of following our new rules. Liam is a hard worker. Liam takes his time with his writing and shows pride in all the work he turns in. I am extremely proud of Liam. Keep up the amazing work Liam. Love, Mrs. Castano