Cardinal Spotlight Week of November 29: Matthey Middle School


John Hendrick is the Cardinal Spotlight for Matthey Middle School. Mr. Hendrick is a first-year ESL teacher at Matthey. He is extremely positive and has an infectious personality. Mr. Hendrick is also our yearbook sponsor and has plans on launching photography after school program and a monthly newspaper for our Matthey students. He is a great addition to the Matthey family.

Anthony is an 8th Grader at Matthey Middle School. Anthony can’t always participate in live classes, but when he is able to join he constantly works hard to catch up on any work he has missed. He is a diligent student who is always asking questions and making comments that help to steer his class in the right direction. He encourages his classmates to do better and think differently. His unique perspective is a joy to have in class.

