Jacqueline Cantu has been with the district 9 years and Heritage was lucky enough to get her 3 years ago. Our Special Needs students are so fortunate to have such a sweet person to work with because she is always so calm and patient. She believes that ” Every child can learn, just not on the same day or the same way,” which shows every day in the way she works with them. She also can be seen helping out in many other areas around the school, usually in her high heeled shoes; Mrs. Cantu is small but mighty and we’re mighty happy to spotlight her this week!
Emelia Sanchez is a hard-working and very sweet 1st-grade student at Heritage Elementary. Emelia has been ready and eager to learn every day this school year. She is an active participant in all subjects and is quick to want to share her knowledge with her classmates. She has been going above and beyond with her assignments and enjoys showcasing her artistic ability every chance she gets. Emelia, congratulations on being our Cardinal of the Week! We are very proud of you.