Cardinal Spotlight Week of October 5: Pearce Elementary School

The 3rd-grade bilingual teacher, Alejandra Chavez, has a quiet personality and a great teaching style. She builds relationships with her students and families while providing learning experiences that are purposeful and meaningful. She joins her Pearce Family in school-wide events, is a member of the SISD Curriculum Writing team, and is always willing to lend a helping hand with translating materials for better communication between the schools.

Pearce 1st grade student, Hailee Gould, went from being shy to now wanting to answer all questions! Hailee loves to take the lead when doing flashcards with her class. She is bright, respectful, and loves fishing with her dad. Hailee’s favorite color is pink and she loves going to the beach. She enjoys being a big sister and helping everyone whenever she can. Thank you, Hailee, for growing with us at Pearce. You are a blast to get to know!
