Pearce Bilingual Paraprofessional, Iliana Lopez, is one of a kind. Her kindness, enthusiasm, and support on our campus is always her priority. She enjoys being a team player, working with students, and building rapport with Pearce families. In the classroom, Iliana is natural! She demonstrates strong content expertise, classroom management, and delivery of instruction. We are very lucky to have such a skilled individual on our campus and in our district. Thank you, Iliana, for all that you do!
2nd-grade student, Araceli Mercado, has a great personality and enjoys participating in class. She shows pride in everything she does. She is eager to learn and always shows respect during our virtual learning by listening to the teacher and waiting patiently for others to speak. She is a helpful student who enjoys complimenting and encouraging her friends in class. Thank you, Araceli, for being a positive role model in your virtual classroom. Your teacher can’t wait to meet you in person!