Cardinal Spotlight Week of July 24: Southside High School

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No stranger to the spotlight, Mr. Robinson has been chosen as this week’s Cardinal Spotlight.  Mr. Robinson is our Senior Class Sponsor for the Class of 2020, FIne Arts Department Chair, Theatre Teacher and a familiar “voice” at several Southside High School events.  His dedication to our students and community is inspirational. To name a few events, Mr. Robinson has been the MC at our pep rallies, district convocation, virtual graduation, and Homecoming.  His work with the UIL One Act Play earned Southside High School the highest score in the district this year. Mr. Robinson, thank you for all you do.

Bryson Keller Class of 2021 is a senior in the Early College High School who has committed this summer to earning credits in preparation for graduation at the end of this year. He is working daily to complete his courses and maintaining an “A” as his course average.  Congratulations Bryson on your selection as the High School Cardinal Spotlight student.
