Southside Independent School District has released its Plan to Proceed for the return to school in Fall 2020-21. The plan outlines the district’s guidelines;
- It is important to Southside ISD that students and staff feel safe when learning and working.
- Beyond the social distancing measures and protective equipment recommendations and additional sanitizing measures, Southside Independent School District will keep children and employees first in all decisions and actions taken to protect them and our learning environment.
- Our commitment extends to our goal to ensure that, during challenging times, our schools and facilities remain places of social, mental, and academic support.
- Southside ISD health and school experts monitor guidance from San Antonio Metro Health, The Centers for Disease Control and other local, State, and Federal Health Agencies so that we can adapt quickly to the ever-changing health.
- Southside ISD continues to strive to offer the best educational opportunities possible and for supporting our efforts of Service, Accountability, Integrity, and Leadership regardless of current conditions.
- We are committed to the safety and well-being of our community so that, together we may realize the Core Principles of Southside ISD.