What do you do when your superintendent of schools calls you in front of your class and says, “You are in trouble again girl?” Well, Southside High School sophomore Savannah Hardin just grinned and then she hid her face in shock. Superintendent Mark Eads announced in front of Mrs. Christine Robinson’s art class that Savannah was the district winner for the 2019-2020 Patriotic Art Contest and therefore her art was going to be the SISD’s official Fiesta Medal artwork for Fiesta 2020.
This is the fifth year Southside has been holding the contest. Each campus participates and picks an art contest winner for their campus after the fall history and social studies recognition of Constitution Week and Freedom Day. The contest also coincides with Patriot Day. Once all the winners are chosen a district winner is picked by judges ( this year the board of managers and the board of directors for the SISD Education Foundation judged).
Here is a video of Mr. Eads surprising Savannah on her win.
Fiesta Medal Presale is ongoing. Medals are $5 and will be available in March 2020. You can purchase medals at Central Office until they arrive in March. In March each campus receptionist will have medals available.
Click here to see all the campus Patriotic Art Contest Winners.