A large group of students held a memorial service in the Southside High School courtyard on Dec. 12, 2019 to remember social studies teacher Mr. William Carle, 61. He collapsed Tuesday in his classroom while teaching and passed away at a local hospital. During the memorial service students carried candles and flowers honoring him. Mr. Carle was in his 26th year teaching at Southside High School. Before becoming a public school teacher, Mr. Carle served in the United States Armed Forces. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at the University of Louisville, Kentucky where he taught National Security Policy and History of U.S. Air Power. “We are saddened by Mr. Carle’s passing and our prayers go out to his loved ones, his students, and fellow teachers,” said Superintendent of Schools Mr. Mark E. Eads. The District has implemented its crisis response plan to counsel students and teachers affected by Mr. Carle’s passing.