Southside ISD Education Foundation (SEF) Raises $17,000 at 2018 Golf Tournament. Thank you to all of our supporters and our title sponsors Firstmark Credit Union and Garza Bomberger and Associates. Despite a rainy day, nearly two dozen teams stuck it out at The Republic Golf Club on S.E. Military Drive in November. Although they did not play on the course, teams competed in the Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contests. We also played “games” like dominoes, cards and checkers while hopeful golfers waited for the rain to clear. Thank you to everyone for having a great sense of humor and generous attitude.
Stay tuned for more information for our next fundraiser, the 2019 Southside ISD Education Foundation Casino Night. It is set for March 2, 2019 so save the date!
Southside ISD Education Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit. Our Mission is to enhance education for Southside ISD students by funding additional learning opportunities and resources. Each year SEF gives our grants and scholarships to the teachers and students of SISD.