Dozens of Southside ISD students to participate in mock natural disaster
A simulated natural disaster leaving student-actors covered in artificial blood will affect the Southside ISD during the third week of July at Southside High School, 19190 U.S. Highway 281 South.
The drill will happen in front of the high school as the final part of a three-day training involving Southside High School police cadets and pre-med students interested in becoming first-responders, doctors, or nurses.
After completing the 20-hour training course, the students will be certified under the Bexar County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT); an umbrella organization under of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The students could now be activated in the event of a natural disaster once completing the training.
“In case we have flooding or tornadoes, we can step in and assist until paramedics and ambulances arrive,” said Southside High School teacher Melissa Arredondo.