State Ranked Girl’s SHS Basketball Team WINS District Title

SHS-girls-basketballState Ranked Girls Basketball Team WINS District Title

(San Antonio, TX) – Tuesday, January 30, 2018 the Southside HS Varsity Girls Basketball team clinched their first outright 29-5A District Championship. Although they have a few more regular season games the team has mathematically take their first title outright and the second in two years (2017 Co- District Championship).

Tuesday, February 6, 2018, will be the Lady Cardinal’s last regular season at Home against McCollum HS at 6:30pm.

SHS will likely learn who they are playing for the run to win the bi-district title on February 9th.  The first playoff game for the girls is set to be February 12th. We will keep you posted on more details as they become available. Congrats to these amazing athletes who are currently ranked 23rd in the state.
