The Southside ISD Board of Managers honored the Southside High School Special Olympic athletes at its meeting in January 2018. The athletes won the Silver Medal in the Area Special Olympics Volleyball Tournaments.
Special thanks to:
- All SISD Cardinal Athletes who trained hard and represented our district so well during the competition!!
- SHS Athlete Moses V for Leading the crowd in reciting the Special Olympics Athlete Oath
- Athletes who were our guests: Del Valle ISD; Lavernia ISD; San Antonio Storm; Southside Heroes; and, Southwest ISD
- The Losoya KIPC Students (Officer Ferdin and Mr. Aguilar) for spending their Saturday volunteering with all aspects of the event
- SHS Band Drum line for playing during Opening Ceremony (Mr. Misko and Mr. Solomon Ruppa )
- SHS ROTC Cadets (Major Bustle and Master Sgt. Araujo) – Posting of the Colors; concessions; parking lot; etc.
- SHS Choir Soloist Mikayla Sierra (Mr. Ahumada) who did a beautiful job singing the National Anthem!
- SHS Police Explorers (Officer Melissa Arredondo) – Ushering Athletes and their families, etc.
- Advanced Photography class (Mr. Valdez) – taking photos the whole day
- SHS Art Class (Mr. Garcia) for making the breakthrough banner
- SHS Graphic Arts (Mr. Tejeda)
- SHS Print Shop (Mr. Villegas)
- Parents, Guardians/ Caretakers, Referees, Teachers and Volunteers
- Southside ISD Board of Managers; Mr. Mark E. Eads, SISD Superintendent; Dr. Fred Hayes, Deputy Superintendent of Finance and Operations; and, Dr. Genese Bell, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
- Great job HS Special Olympics Coach Jennifer Auzenne for organizing and coaching the SISD team! All the S.O. coaches for leading and helping with the event (Ms. Sharon Samelson (Gallardo); Ms. Bianca Villarreal (Pearce); Mr. Audelio Anaya (thank you for designing program and for acting as First Aid person (Freedom); Ms. Gloria Davis (Heritage); Mr. Victor Rodriguez (Losoya); Mr. Diann Mullen (JL Matthey MS); as well as, Ms. Puyat and Mr. Jurado (High School)
- Special Olympics of Texas – San Antonio: Ms. Shawn Britt; Mr. Emmanuel Sanchez (our contact person for this event); and Ms. Shay Johnson
- Mr. Yzaguirre, SHS Principal, and his team, as well as Coach Lock and Ms. Terry Collier and his coaches, for supporting us and allowing us to host the event
- Mr. Martell, JL Matthey Principal
- Mr. Don Spice (Owner Chick-fil-a City Base) for donating all of the meals for all of the Athletes, Coaches, and Referees
- Mr. Ryan Harper (Program Manager for Be A Champion, Inc.) for providing meals for a our Student Volunteers and SHS Senior John Herrera for distributing the meals
- Head Volleyball Coach Amanda Soto and her Coaches Ms. Jessika Robinson, Ms. Amanda Santos, and Ms. Amy Behlen for ensuring everything was set up and organized
- All Principals & Admin Assistants for purchasing the T-shirts! and for your support!
- Dr. Mary Bandy, Mr. Christopher Douglas, and the entire Special Education staff
- SISD Custodial and Maintenance Staff, Mr. Roy Olivarez, Mr. Frank Vasquez, Mr. Roy Huron
- SISD Police Officers Marcario Ramirez and John Vasquez
- Ms. Vangie Gamboa, Business Office – for donating bottled water and other items (for the athletes’ “swag bags”)