The board of managers have been dedicated to student outcomes. The group along with the superintendent, deputy superintendent and assistant superintendent,
Region 20 reps and the TEA have worked together to outline these goals.
Southside ISD District Improvement Plan 2017-2018 Goals/ Performance Objectives/Strategies
Goal 1: Increase academic success as measured by Index 1 on STAAR from 60 points to 80 points by 2022.
Goal 2: Increase the number of students Kindergarten ready exiting PK-4 from 50% to 90% by 2022.
Goal 3: Increase the number of students in Kindergarten, First, and Second grade who will show a years or more growth in literacy from 50 % to 90% by 2022.
Goal 4: Increase the number of students who graduate meeting career and college readiness levels from 35% to 90% by 2022. This includes either of the following: college credit via AP and/or DC; or CTE industry standard certifications; or acceptance into the military; or participation in a Work-Based Learning Program; TSI ready.
Goal 5: Maintain a safe and healthy learning environment.
Goal 6: Maintain a high quality workforce of professional and paraprofessional educators.
Southside ISD leadership and staff and continued the work and research on how to obtain these goals along with outlining monthly monitoring reports. The board of managers officially approved the goals Thursday September 21, 2017.