2017-2018 school year begins Aug. 28
On Thursday June 1, the Southside ISD Board of Managers approved the 2017-2018 academic school calendar with he first day of school being on Monday August 28.
The new start date is one week later than last year. This allows the district to end the school year on June 8.
The board also voted to change the grading periods from 6-weeks to 9-weeks.
Highlights of the 2017-18 Academic School Calendar include:
Thanksgiving Break: November 20-24, 2017
Winter Break: December 18-Jan. 1, 2018 with students returning on Jan 3.
Spring Break: March 12-16, 2018
Bad Weather Makeup day will be held on June 11
Southsisd ISD 2017-18 School Calendar – Vertical
Southside ISD 2017-18 School Calendar – Horizontal