Southside High School (SHS) academic UIL team is advancing a number of students to regional level competitions. They are advancing based on their recent performance at the District UIL meet.
Students advancing for individual competitions are Michael Southard, Computer Applications; Perla Aguirre, Current Events; Anna Casillas, Informative Speech.
The following District Champion, Social Studies team is advancing to the regionals, for the second year in a row: Perla Aguirre, Aisha Cabera, Christian Gallardo and Zach Henry.
Join us as we congratulate these students who have worked all year long practicing for these events. Special Thanks to our coaches Marty Garcia, Priscilla Mota, Marty Garcia, Rudy Ramirez, Priscilla E. Mota.
Regionals will be held at UTSA, on April 23, as these students are practicing even harder, to advance to state completion.
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