VEGOUT SA! Needs Student Ambassadors

The Mayor’s Fitness Council (MFC) is looking for committed, enthusiastic youth to serve as advocates for better nutrition and active living in their schools and communities. Student Ambassadors will represent the MFC by promoting and encouraging healthy living at their school campus, at home and in their communities.

DREAM IT. Student Ambassadors will complete a roadmap of their school, after school programs, home and neighborhood related to physical activity and nutrition.

MAP IT. Student Ambassadors will map a plan for a project to improve nutrition and physical activity at their school campus or in their community.

DO IT. Student Ambassadors will implement their project and document their success. Student Ambassadors will participate in interactive trainings on physical activity and better nutrition choices, peer education, service learning, advocacy and civic engagement, and participation in school wellness councils.

Applications are due May 13, 2016. Approximately 40 students will be selected to serve as Mayor Taylor’s distinguished Mayor’s Fitness Council (MFC) Student Ambassadors. Students who serve as Student Ambassadors must be in grades 5 – 12 during the 2016 – 2017 academic year and attend a school in Bexar County.

The MFC Student Ambassador Leadership Program launched in the 2012-13 academic year. For more information and to complete the application visit:

The mission of the MFC is to lead San Antonio to be one of the healthiest and most active communities in the nation in which residents, groups and organizations work collaboratively to achieve targeted health and fitness goals.

Please contact Andrea Bottiglieri if you have any questions at 210-857-5378 or

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