Southside Early College Students Awarded Honors at Palo Alto College

Several Southside Early College students (A.C.E.S) received awards at Palo Alto Honors Ceremony on March 31.

Ten students received part-time Presidential Honors, and 15 students received part-time honors awards. To qualify for part-time presidential honors, students must carry at least 6 hours, earn a 4.0 in the previous semester and have an overall GPA of at least 2.0. To qualify for part-time honors, students must carry at least 6 hours, earn a 3.5 – 3.99 in the previous semester and have an overall GPA of at least 2.0.

Alamo Colleges Empowering Southside (A.C.E.S) Early College High School is an Early College High School partnered with Alamo Colleges and Palo Alto College currently serving incoming 9th & 10th grade students. Applications for incoming 9th grade students from Matthey Middle School are currently being accepted. Students are given the opportunity to start obtaining college credit during the second semester of their 9th grade year. ACES Early College students have the opportunity earn up to 60 credit hours by the time they graduate high school.

Want to know more, contact Admissions at (210) 882-1606 ext. 1510, ACES Early College High School.

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