Southside ISD Support: Crime Stoppers, StayAlert, Cardinal Counselors, Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Crime Stoppers – StayAlert – Cardinal Counselors – Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)

Southside ISD’s Core Values Include, Service, Accountability, Integrity and Loyalty.  Service to our community is important, but services that help support our students and families are paramount. Here are just a few programs that can help your child and loved one and keep our Southside ISD crime free.

Crime Stoppers


The Southside ISD Police Department is committed to providing a safe school environment and as part of our Safe School initiative we have added yet another resource to promote school safety.  SISD Crime Stoppers: All tipsters remain anonymous and you may receive a $25 to $500 reward for information that may lead to an arrest. For more about the program and to learn more about what crimes to be on the lookout for click here.


You can report Bullying through Crime Stoppers and the StayAlert program that Southside ISD proudly participates in as a school district. We know there are social media traps and criminals that target our families. That is why we provide as many options possible to help. StayAlert offers around the clock help to deal with bullying and other matters affecting the social emotional needs our students. Click here form more on the program.

Cardinal Counselors

We also have a team of counselors and social workers ready to listen to any concerns. If you see something, say something. Communicating any suspicious activity from a threat to a person’s behavior could make a difference in your life and theirs. Counselors are locating on every campus. Contact your school’s office to learn more about who services your campus. You can also click here for a link to  Guidance and Counseling services at SISD.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)

Southside also uses the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) model to help our students socially and emotionally learn and live on a daily and long term basis.  This nationally recognized model embeds experts on the campuses, specialists are engaged with students and more aware of their needs. Click here for details on how PBIS works.

Click here for information on all these programs.

